About Us

SME Clinic’s key area of intervention is in SME Strategy Consulting, Planning & Financial Modelling, Funding & Startup Guidance, Business Improvement, Systems & Technology, Business Reporting, Corporate Governance, Coaching & Mentoring.
SME Clinic is a non-profit organization which trains and mentors Small and Medium enterprises in business development and entrepreneurship. As part of fundraising the Clinic offers professional business consultancies. SME Clinic’s intention is to strengthen the capacity of government, civil society institutions, donor community, financial institutions and entrepreneurs in promotion of a vibrant SME sector in Malawi through provision of training facilitated by experienced trainers and mentors in SME Business Development and Entrepreneurship with the aim of socio-economically empowering the populace especially women, girls and young people. To sustain itself, SME Clinical carries out consultancies in these areas.
Our Core Values
- Committed to delivering the best
- Honest and transparent services
- We care for your business just like ours
- Keep learning and adapting to new technologies
- Strategic objective
- Strategic approach
- Self-sustainable funding model
The SME Clinic understands that the development of a healthy SME sector in Malawi can significantly contribute to the country’s economy through creating more employment opportunities, generating higher production volumes, increasing exports and introducing innovation and entrepreneurship skills. This improves the well-being and livelihood of all the citizens of Malawi, especially the most vulnerable and marginalized.
The SME clinic recognizes that its own funds and capacity are limited and has therefore developed a unique approach to SME sector development by directly assisting those organizations and individuals that have the highest likelihood of a positive impact on the SME sector.
Therefore, the SME Clinic’s maximises its limited resources through two distinct approaches, indirect and direct support to SMEs.
Indirect support: This involves strengthening the understanding and capacity of those institutions and individuals that can have the most direct and beneficial impact on SME development in Malawi, namely: a) Government, (b) Civil society institutions, (c) Banks, and (d) Entrepreneurs.
The capacity strengthening is achieved through the provision of targeted training, facilitated by experienced trainers and mentors in SME business development and entrepreneurship. The aim is to foster an understanding of the need to (a) support and (b) properly and fully participate in – the promotion of a vibrant SME sector in Malawi, especially through socioeconomically empowering women and youth.
Direct support: This includes providing low cost training services and internships to SMEs, particularly those SMEs that are run by women and youth.
The SME clinic has a unique funding model whereby it uses the very same trainers and mentors in SME business development and entrepreneurship to provide independently sourced income to the trust through the provision of external “paid” consultancy services.
Key areas of third party consulting are in: (a) strategy consulting, (b) financial modelling, (c) funding and startup guidance, (d) business improvement, (e) systems & technology, (f) business reporting, (g) corporate governance, and (h) coaching and mentoring.
Our team has a track record of working with top management in developing and executing strategy that delivers success and meets stakeholders’ expectations as the business evolves. In securing a sustainable and profitable business model, we understand the significance of innovation and other key factors that secure a competitive edge for delivering superior service.
A percentage of the consultant’s fees from this assignment will be retained by the trust to support its objectives as outlined above. The trust will use these funds to offer heavily subsided training and development programs for SMEs.
Hire Us For
We work with senior management teams to identify trends that could impact business performance enhance revenues and profitability.
We are meticulous in securing linkage between various components of your company and ensure rigorous challenge to key assumptions and performance drivers.
Our people have a track record of working with top management in developing and executing strategy that delivers success and meets with stakeholders’ expectations as the business evolves.
Accounting and taxation are highly complex areas. There are significant penalties for non-compliance. But there are also financial implications for not taking advantage of tax saving tactics.
Our people can assess and advice you on the strength of a Fund application, and the type and source of funding required.
We work with senior management teams to identify trends that could impact business performance so that they take advantage of these opportunities to enhance revenues and profitability.
Have a Project on mind?
Your SME has every right to grow, let us help you

Get In Touch To Discuss Your Business Needs
SME Clinic is a not-for-profit organization registered in 2017 in Malawi. It’s major purpose is to strengthen the capacity of Government, Civil Society Institutions and Entrepreneurs in promotion of a vibrant SME sector in Malawi through provision of training facilitated by experienced trainers and mentors in SME Business Development and Entrepreneurship with the aim of socioeconomically empowering the populace especially the women and youth.
Highly Motivated Team with Innovative Ideas
We love what we do and therefore come up with the best possible solutions to help you set and grow your business. We are your trusted partners you can count on.

Russell Leith
Executive Director
An Independent International Development Consultant from New Zealand has resided in Malawi since 2014. Russell has more than 30 years of experience of working in the financial sector and with SME’s. He has a realistic approach to the challenges SME’s face in the market today from his wide range of 60 international assignments completed since 2007 in 34 countries ( including Malawi).

Davie Kavinya
Deputy Executive Director
Davie has a huge passion in SME development having worked as a financier and SME advisor for over 19 years. He has taken leading roles in investment appraisals for projects across various sectors such as: Purpose Built Structures, various Agri-business Investments, Tourism Projects, Education Facilities, Pharmaceutical Outlets, Transport and Transport related Projects, Broadcasting and Television Stations, Tower Infrastructure, Trading Businesses of different types, Bakery, Timber Sawing, Garment Manufacturing etc. He has successfully structured Equity Participation deals with proper exit strategies. He has extensive experience, developing financial models, carrying out risk, economic, market analysis and financial analysis on these various projects. Davie has hands on experience in developing business strategies and business plans for various entities particularly for commercially oriented projects.